In the wake of Super Typhoon Yolanda which rendered massive and horrific devastation in the Visayas on 8th November 2013, the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) galvanizes its resources to address challenges posed by the catastrophic effects of climate change. With the...
Thirty-six (36) new recruits are now formally welcomed into the fold of the Arrupe Office of Social Formation’s corps of student volunteers. These greenhorn Arrupe Vols, as people in the university are wont to call them, distinguished as Batch 43, underwent a...
After a month-long recruitment process, more than three hundred (300) application forms, seventy-two (72) actual application submissions, a round of screenings and an assessment/evaluation workshop, thirty-six (36) students passed the final deliberation for Batch 43...
Seven (7) Arrupe volunteers of the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) participated in the Gawad Kalinga (GK) Youth Camp in GK Medsa Village in Tibungco, Davao City, on 7th-8th September 2013. The youth camp aimed at leading young people toward greater social...
The Arrupe Office of Social Formation (formerly the Social Involvement Coordinating Office [SICO]), through Mr. Noriel Rogon and Ms. Eufemia Faller, coordinators of the Student Servant Leadership Program (SSLP) and Service Learning Program (SLP), respectively,...
The Arrupe Office of Social Formation (formerly the Social Involvement Coordinating Office [SICO]) is currently recruiting its new batch of student volunteers for the School Year (SY) 2013-2014. The new corps of student volunteers is being recruited from among the...